Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Unfinished Business

So, I didn't get the office/craft room finished yesterday but I did make a big dent. I'll save the pictures for the finished project. I found a lot of things that I had been keeping for reasons beyond me. The most unsettling thing(s) I found were several unfinished projects. Now my craft life has evolved over the years as I'm sure yours has too. Now knitting is a passion but in my former life, it was needlework. Cross-stitch, needlepoint and embroidery. I knew about my many works in progress as far as my knitting went, but here are a few of the unfinished needlework projects I discovered:

This is a baby blanket I was making for my son's birth. He is now 15 years old!

A beautiful needlepoint Christmas stocking. I believe I started this about 12 years ago.

A cross stitch picture of hummingbirds (I love hummingbirds). I don't remember when I was working on this.

This is a bunny rabbit that I had started when I found out that I was pregnant with my son. Yes, the 15 year old son!

A cute little pansy to hang on the wall. This would have been a small project that was easy to take to the ballpark while my daughter was practicing or playing softball. Yes, this too would have been prior to the 15 year old son's birth!

I haven't started on the closet that has tubs of other needlework projects inside so I'm sure that more unfinished projects will grace these pages in the (hopefully) near future.

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